Monday 14 November 2016

To what extent  does language shape our thinking?
-Language plays a part in many parts of our life, some says that it is what differentiate  between human beings while others disagree and say that our process of thinking isn't linked to our language. Personally i must say that the language we use to speak,whether we are bilingual or monolingual, i do believe that language is linked to our way of thinking and heres why. Since we can associate language with a certain culture, we know that within different cultures there comes different beliefs and those beliefs come with a certain manner of thinking. So i think language plays a massive part in the shape of our thinking process. 
Do people think differently in different languages? 
- Yes, and just basing this off from the answer above, since language is associated  with different cultures we can say that peoples thought process is based on what they know based on cultural acceptance which gives them  the freedom to think in a certain way. 

If you do not have words for certain situation, does it mean you do not have thoughts for them? 
-No it doesn't, remember that thought shouldn't only be associated with speaking, thought can also be liked with reaction and feelings. A person may feel something but not be able to express it, that doesn't mean that they don't have thoughts about the situation it's just they don't have the words to express them (Pain is a good example, people use hand movement and face gestures to issue pain) 

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