Monday 14 November 2016

  • Do we think in language?  Why is that? 
We do  think in language because our thought process can be in language, for instance if something that triggers a reaction or a thought we would automatically have a thought process in our heads that we say in one of our languages (Personally: Arabic) and it is also believed that the language you react in is the sam language that is used when thinking within the think process. 
Do speakers of different languages inhabit different worlds? - Defiantly! I think that different speakers have different worlds due to the cultural beliefs of each one, for instance someone might be from a culture or a country that accepts or see's something as deemed "Appropriate" while other people may find it offensive, an example that Miss Fatima mentioned in class was "British humour". And that some people may understand the jokes while others find it offensive. So it demonstrates that different languages within different cultures inhibit different worlds and aspects like humour, ways of life and ways of thinking
How does human language differ from animal communication?   Do speakers of different languages know different things?
- Human communication and animal communication are different because well human speak and communicate through language while animals don't.. However humans do adopt some aspects that animals use for the source of communication such as body movement and normal reactions from both  sets of mammals. 
Does our language limit what we can know? 
- I don't agree that language does limit our knowledge, knowledge is a trait that we adopt from different aspects, language is the way we learn it. Education is the same throughout all languages.. For instance World War 1 isn't different in french than it is in arabic. However it is the way we learn based on the language we feel most accustomed too 

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