Monday 17 October 2016

Senses within knowledge  ( Memory)
Old home
Traditional food
Area, (Region)
Cotton Candy
  - Senses from the past can like to the cultural background that you grew up in, Certain smells that are linked with an individuals  childhood are the experiences that they lived through and its important to remember and associate these certain smells because it helps reminds us of certain moments from the past, And when remembering a certain time within our memory there is also a smell or sense we associate   the memory with.

Article Reading: 

Memory  Contaminates Perception: 
- Written by  Kang, M-N, et al (2011) and posted on the public website "The Guardian". Th article demonstrates many interesting perspectives about the perception of individuals. Examples from the article " Working memory refers to our ability to hold and manipulate limited amounts of information for a short period of time. This information is usually relevant to the task at hand – when making a phone call, for example, you might repeat the number to yourself several times until you have dialled it; once you've dialled the number, you stop the repetition and then quickly forget it. In exactly the same way, visual working memory allows us to retain visual information as mental images in the mind's eye." which a piece that i personally found very interesting, It discusses the claim that working memory refers to our ability to hold ability and info for a period of time, Which makes me think and ask the question , Do humans only care about certain thing because they care? So when the example of the memory of the phone number, Do we just care about the number because we need it and once its gone then we forget because wedding need it, And this also has me linking this to the school example discussed in class, Do we just learn information   for a attest and once its over ewe tend to forget because we feel like we no longer need it ?

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