Tuesday 11 October 2016

Optical Illusion Videos : 

1.)   The Boy who can see without eyes


The video discusses a boy who lost both of his eyes due to cancer, However thanks to doctors that gave
 him replicas of human eye he has began learning the ropes around the idea of making  judgements based on 
his senses and vibration, This is significant to TOK  due to the fact that it introduces a new way of knowing and 
explains how "Way's of knowing" can extend to more than language. 

- As we made the transition between the ways of knowing  within language and discussing the ways of knowledge 
within sense is different with each situational factor of a individual experience..

How does he compensate not being able to see? 
-With the help of doctors and advanced medicine and technology he is able to use replicas of eyes that allow him 
to use the senses to try and help him with the sounds of certain things that 

Senses we found 

 Nociceptive : relating to or denoting pain arising from the stimulation of nerve cells (often as distinct from that arising from damage or disease in the nerves themselves).

ProprioceptionProprioception refers to the body's kinaesthetic sense, or sense of locomotion (movement). This sense is derived from the action of the skeletal muscles and the"propriceptors" (movement sensors) that send sensations of movement to the brain. It is responsible for keeping track of the relative position of neighboring parts of the body, as well as measuring the amount of strength needed/being used to engage in physical tasks.

 Equililbrioception : Sense of balance or equilibrioception is one of the physiological senses related to balance. It helps prevent humans and animals from falling over when standing or moving.

Thermoception : is the sense by which an organism perceives temperatures. The details of how temperature receptors work are still being investigated. Ciliopathy is associated with decreased ability to sense heat, thus cilia may aid in the process.

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